Web page peed is one of the most critical factors in determining a user’s experience and whether a visitor landing on your page will end up converting as a customer. Not only that, web page speed is a key factor in terms of SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Google uses page speed as a ranking factor in their search results rankings. And if that was not enough, over half of all global Internet traffic comes from mobile devices, shifting the focus to a mobile-first experience. In fact, studies have shown that if your mobile page fails to load within three seconds, visitors will not wait around and find what they were looking for somewhere else.
Website performance optimization is not a one-time task. Pages are continually changing and evolving, so web developers should ensure that they are continually reviewed to ensure that page load times are within acceptable thresholds. And while there is no one single optimization trick that can solve performance problems for all websites, the information in these website speed recommendation articles can provide you with the insights into where you need to focus your time and energy.